Nausea Vomiting In Tagalog

Nausea Vomiting In Tagalog

A condition marked by recurrent severe headache often with nausea and vomiting

Daftar Isi

1. A condition marked by recurrent severe headache often with nausea and vomiting




is a genetically influenced complex disorder characterized by episodes of moderate-to-severe headache.most often unilateral and generally associated with nausea and increased sensitivity to light and sound.

2. changes in urination, nausea, vomiting and extreme skin rashes are symptoms of?​


Your urinary tract is the system in your body responsible for filtering wastes in your blood, and excreting wastes out of the body. Your urinary tract consists of your kidneys, ureters and bladder. Once the kidneys and their nephrons filter excess wastes that have circulated through your body, they are then able to turn the excess waste products into urine. The urine flows out of your urethra, and out of your body.

3. which has symptoms of sweating, vomiting, andnausea, how would you treat it?​


i will just go to the doctor and ask him/her to heal me.


4. A. tell the client to call the nurse promptly if vomiting occurs. b. instruct the client to take a few deep breaths until the nausea subsides.




we need to instruct the client of what we can do

5. If someone has heat exhaustion, which has symptoms of sweating, vomiting, and nausea, how would you treat it? ​


Treatment for Heat Exhaustion


Drink plenty of fluids, especially sports drinks to replace lost salt (avoid caffeine and alcohol).

Remove any tight or unnecessary clothing.

Take a cool shower, bath, or sponge bath.

Apply other cooling measures such as fans or ice towels.

6. which of these is NOT a common symptom of radiation sickness? A. HAIR LOSSB. NAUSEA AND VOMITINGC. REDUCED BLOOD CELL COUNTSD. SUNBURN​


The answer is D.

You get sunburns from being under the sun for too long


Audrey Brnly on Fẞ


the answer is



D. sunburn

7. if someone has heat exhaustion ,which has symptoms of sweating ,vomiting,and nausea,how would you treat it?​


Rehydration with water or a sports drink is the cornerstone of treatment for heat exhaustion. Complications of heat exhaustion include nausea, vomiting, dehydration and muscle weakness.


Sana makatulong Paki follow po

8. development of vomiting and nausea in four friends within 30 minutes of eating at a restaurant outbreak or not outbreak?


Development of vomiting and nausea in four friends within 30 minutes of eating at a restaurant outbreak or not outbreak?


The given situation above is not an outbreak. Primarily because it is just an occurrence that suddenly appeared, secondly it only involves several people and there are no other cases (based on the situation) which means it is an isolated case.


9. _____5. Listed below are symptoms of food poisoning, except. a. Vomitingb. Nauseac. Diarrhead. Listeria​


c. Diarrhea





Listed below are symptoms of food poisoning, except.

a. Vomiting

b. Nausea

C. Diarrhea

D. Listeria

☞Diarrhea is loose, watery stools (bowel movements). You have diarrhea if you have loose stools three or more times in one day. Acute diarrhea is diarrhea that lasts a short time. It is a common problem. It usually lasts about one or two days, but it may last longer.

10. If someone has heat exhaustion, which has symptoms of sweating , vomiting , and nausea, How would you treat it?


Heat exhaustion is one part of the spectrum of heat-related illnesses that begin with heat cramps, progresses to heat exhaustion, and finally to heat stroke.

The body cools itself by sweating and allowing that sweat to evaporate. This requires enough fluid in the body to make sweat, air circulating across the skin, and low enough air humidity to allow that sweat to evaporate.

First aid treatment for heat exhaustion includes recognizing the symptoms, stopping the activity, and moving to a cooler environment. Rehydration with water or a sports drink is the cornerstone of treatment for heat exhaustion.

11. 9. a condition marked by recurrent severe headache often with nausea and vomiting 10. a temporary paralysis of muscles from over use​


9. Migraine

10. paraplegia.


correct me if it's wrong :)

12. some signs of heat exhaustion usually are vomiting, nausea, excessive sweating, rapid pulse, and dizziness true or false​




because if we are expost to heat our body will act rapidly because we are expost and especially if your on a farm standing in a super hot heat

13. 5. Some signs of Heat Exhaustion usually are vomiting, nausea, excessivesweating, rapid pulse, and dizziness.true or false?​




because of that smell

14. It can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It attacks often happen at night and after a fatty meal​

Food Poisoning It can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Heart Attack It attacks often happen at night and after a fatty meal.

15. type. 1. An 18-year-old male student complains of nausea, vomiting after eating a leftover food and milk in their house. (5pts)​


it is impossible for him to get by eating leftover food or neither his stomach gonna hurt.


that's my opinion hope it help

16. What is tagalog of vomiting?Who the most experience vomiting? Why pregnant choke when they _______something ______​


1)the tagalog of vomiting is nasusuka

2)Pregnant and person who have cold or flu


17. 4. How will you detect a hypertensive heart? a. hard to breath b. congestion of nasal c. nausea and vomiting d. fever and aching of muscles​

A.hard to breath

this is also an answer: by using electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, cardiac stress test, chest X-ray, and coronary angiogram

i hope i can help :)

18. 14. This are some symptoms that can be feel by a victim except. a. nausea b. deformities c. vomiting d. heat


letter B po


sana makatulong po

19. A client is nauseated, has been vomiting for several hours, and needs to receive an antiemetic (anti-nausea) medication. which of the following is accurate


alam mo ba Kung bakit madilim tuwing Gabi? kasi walang araw na d kita na miss

20. One day 10 of your employees suffered nausea, vomitted and were hospitalized. suddenly, health inspectors swooped down on your restuarant, knocking


thanks your points,sorrysorrypoh

21. If someone has heat exhaustion, which has symptoms of sweating, vomiting, andnausea, how would you treat ir?​

stopping the activity, and moving to a cooler environment and help lower the person's temperature wilth cool clothes or a cool bath

22. _____5. Listed below are symptoms of food poisoning, except. a. Vomitingb. Nauseac. Diarrhead. Listeria​


5.D listeria


sure though

23. if someone has heat exhaustion which has symptoms of swearing,vomiting,nausea, how would you treat eat ​


First aid treatment for heat exhaustion includes recognizing the symptoms, stopping the activity, and moving to a cooler environment. Rehydration with water or a sports drink is the cornerstone of treatment for heat exhaustion.

24. 29. Which of these is NOT a common symptom of radiation sickness?A. Hair lossC. Reduced blood cell countsB. Nausea and vomitingD. Sunburn​


D. Sunburn


hope it helps you

25. A 25 year old past medical history of type 1 diabetes is brought in by the ems to the er for nausea and vomiting

Answer: The 25-year-old man might also have Stomach Flu. Such as infection ("stomach flu"), food poisoning, motion sickness, overeating, blocked intestine, illness, concussion or brain injury, appendicitis, and migraines.

26. if someone has heat exhaustion which has symptoms or sweating vomiting and nausea, how would you treat it?​

move the person to a cool place and help lower the person's temperature by putting cool or wet clothes on the person's body

27. - It is a bacterial infection caused by drinking water or consuming food that is contaminated by bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Symptoms: watery diarrhea, nauseas, cramps, nosebleed, vomiting.?




Cholera po ung answer

28. Fever, flu-like sypmtoms, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting and yellowing of skin are signs and symptoms of ______.




Hope this helps

29. II. Tell whether the following is a SIGN or a SYMPTOM.BleedingDeformitiesImpaired sensationNauseaVomiting​




Impaired Sensation-SYMPTOM




Wag na ok lang.

30. If someone has heat exhaustion, which has symptoms of sweating. vomitednausea, how would you treat it?​


Move the person out of the heat and into a shady or air-conditioned place.Lay the person down and elevate the legs and feet slightly.Remove tight or heavy clothing.Have the person drink cool water or other nonalcoholic beverage without caffeine.Cool the person by spraying or sponging with cool water and fanning.Monitor the person carefully.

Contact a doctor if signs or symptoms worsen or if they don't improve within one hour.

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