Converge In Tagalog

Converge In Tagalog

Explanation about convergent boundary Tagalog?

Daftar Isi

1. Explanation about convergent boundary Tagalog?

Convergent boundary is where two plates collide or move towards each other.
Ang convergent boundary a tumutukoy sa dalawang "plates" patungo sa isa't isa. (magbangaan)

2. ano ang convergent sa tagalog

nagtatagpo sa isang lugar

3. give me the meaning of Convergent in ta tagalog​


From convergent systems to"drowning" servers.

Mula sa isang lugal sistema sa" nalulunod" server.

4. Explain the following processes:1. Continental - Oceanic Convergence2. Oceanic– Oceanic Convergence3. Continental – Continental Convergence​

1. Continental - Oceanic Convergence - When oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere collide, the dense oceanic lithosphere subducts beneath the less dense continental lithosphere.

2. Oceanic - Oceanic Convergence - In collisions between two oceanic plates, the cooler, denser oceanic lithosphere sinks beneath the warmer, less dense oceanic lithosphere.

3. Continental - Continental Convergence - When two continental plates converge, they smash together and create mountains. The amazing Himalaya Mountains are the result of this type of convergent plate boundary.

5. 15. Philippine is a result of which type of convergent plate boundary? A. continental to continental convergent boundary B. continental and tectonie plate convergent boundary C. oceanic to continental convergent houndary D. occanic to occanic convergent boundary​




B. because continental and tectonie plate convergent boundary

Hope you like it

6. pakiexplaian naman po ng convergent boundary sa Tagalog

Convergent boundary movement - kapag nagtagpo ang dalawang lupa (plate boundary), maaaaring makabuo ng bundok, bulkan, at trenches.convergent boundary ito yung kumbaga sinasabing Collision , yung dalawang plates kungbaga plate a at plate b, yung dalawang yun nagbanggaan, so pag nagbanggaan expected na may mangyari.. so after nag collide or nagbanggaan yung dalawang plates yung isa napunta pababa yung isa naman pauntang taas, ang tawag doon ay subdusion, so after ng subduction yung plate na pumuntang taas, naging volcano, or trench kung so oecan sya na form, dahil sa subduction mag kakaroon din ng earthquake, go back sa volcano yung plate na pumababa nag case ng kumbaga complication means nag reac yung mga rock , natunaw at lumabas sa volcano or simply nag karoon ng volcanic erruption

7. 1. What is a type of convergent plate boundary that mostly forms mountain ranges?a. continental-oceanic convergence b. oceanic-oceanic convergence C. continental-continental convergence d. continental-oceanic convergence​


Each of these types of plate boundaries is associated with different geological features. Typically, a convergent plate boundary—such as the one between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate—forms towering mountain ranges, like the Himalaya, as Earth's crust is crumpled and pushed upward


8. Ano sa tagalog ang inter tropical convergence zone


intertropical na tagpo ng tagpo


isang malawak na labangan ng mga mababang presyon sa isang daloy ng hangin trade na gumagalaw hilaga at timog halos kahilera sa ekwador sa pana-panahon na pagbabago sa ang hangin.

9. Figure 3. convergent boundary Convergent boundary​


these are delicate and precision instrument that must be handled carefully and are more dependable in terms of accuracy


A convergent boundary (also known as a destructive boundary) is an area on Earth where two or more lithospheric plates collide. One plate eventually slides beneath the other, a process known as subduction. The subduction zone can be defined by a plane where many earthquakes occur, called the Wadati–Benioff zone.

10. the appalachians formed as a result ofa.ocean-ocean convergence b.ocean-continent convergencec.continent-continent convergence​


B po


nag pag aralan ko po yan

11. Pa help nman po kung pano iexplain in tagalog yung 3types of plates boundaries(divergent,convergent&transform)

ang divergent ay ang plate boundary na nag layo dahil sa earthquake ang convergent naman ay yong naglapit sa isat isat dahil shaking of the ground ang transform fault naman ay yung nag slide lang sila sa isat isa.

12. what does ICTZ stand for? A. intertropical converge zone B. intertropical convergent zone C. intertropical converging zone D. intertropical convergence zone​


D. intertropical convergence zone

13. processes and landforms of oceanic continental convergence, oceanic-oceanic convergence and continental- continental convergence


Fold Mountains. The compressional forces stemming from a convergent plate boundary, where two plates collide with one another, can create fold mountains. ...

Ocean Trenches. ...

Island Arcs. ...

Ocean Ridges.


ocean megalodon and shark are different


pa brainliest

14. similarities of continental to continental convergent and oceanic to continental convergent ​


They both form landforms.


While continental to continental convergence result to fold mountains, oceanic to continental convergence form volcanoes or continental arc.

15. The Philippine trench formed because of this type of convergent plate boundary. * A.Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence B.Continental-Oceanic Convergence C.No answer D.Continental-Continental Convergence​




i'm not sure in my answer

16. 20. How are mountains formed? a. Convergence of two Continental Plates C. Convergence of Oceanic and Continental Plates b. Convergence of two Oceanic Plates. d. Convergence of two Oceanic Plates and subduct​


Mountains are formed by movement within the Earth's crust. The crust itself is made up of several large plates, called tectonic plates, which are free floating. These huge chunks of the Earth's crust move within molten rock called magma, which allows them to shift and collide over time

17. Pa help po :)) Which of the following processes in Convergent Plate Boundary is said to be the cause of the formation of Himalayan Mountain Range? A.Continental Convergence B.Continental-Continental Convergence C.Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence D.Oceanic-Continental Convergence




Continental crust is too buoyant to subduct. When two continental plates converge, they smash together and create mountains. The amazing Himalaya Mountains are the result of this type of convergent plate boundary.


B. Continental-Continental convergence


Hope it helps^^

18. Example of Continental-Oceanic ConvergenceOceanic-Oceanic ConvergenceContinental-Continental Convergence​


First pic and second pic are same picture.

Third pic


First=Continental – oceanic convergence

When oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere collide, the dense oceanic lithosphere subducts beneath the less dense continental lithosphere. An accretionary wedge forms on the continental crust as deep-sea sediments and oceanic crust are scraped from the oceanic plate.

Second=Oceanic – oceanic convergence

In collisions between two oceanic plates, the cooler, denser oceanic lithosphere sinks beneath the warmer, less dense oceanic lithosphere. As the slab sinks deeper into the mantle, it releases water from dehydration of hydrous minerals in the oceanic crust.

Third=Continental-Continental Convergent Boundaries are possible when two continental plates converge. When the plates converge they smash together and create mountains. The amazing Himalaya Mountains are an example of this type of convergent plate boundary

19. Type of Convergent BoundaryWhat type ofcrusts areconverging?What landformsare produced?Describe theprocess along theboundary.1.Oceanic-ContinentalConvergent Boundary2. Oceanic-OceanicConvergent Boundary3. Continental-ContinentalConvergent Boundary​


what type of crusts are converging?

1. oceanic and continental crusts

2. two oceanic crusts

3. two continental crusts

what landform are produced?

1. volcanoes, trenches, island arcs, fault lines

2. submarine volcanoes, mid-ocean ridges,

3. mountains, volcanic cones, plateaus and valleys


1. this process involves the denses between the two. the l denser which is the oceanic crust will subduct underneath.

2. in this process where two oceanic crust meets, the other one is pushed, subducted under the other based on which is the older and colder plate which means its denser. therefore it subducts beneath the younger and warmer plate.

3. a process when two continental crusts smash together and push upwards where they form ranges and mountains. because of the slabs it causes earthquakes.

20. Which type of convergent does not create a volcano? a.Continent-continent convergent.b.ocean-ocean convergent.c.ocean-continent convergentd.continent mountain convergent.​


B. ocean-ocean converted

21. How regionalization and globalization converge? And when they converge?


Globalization means the convergence of economic, political and cultural systems.Fast growing economies interact through trade and non- trade channels in order to fasten economic growth. The second type of regionalization processes includes institutional forms such as regional trade agreements.

22. How does each of the convergent boundaries affect geology and the environment? (ok lang kahit tagalog)​

that is the answere of your question i hope you like it..

23. Volcanic arc formed because of this type of convergent plate boundary. A.Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence B.Continental-Continental Convergence C.Continental-Oceanic Convergence D.No answer ​





24. 8. Identify which of the following plate convergence will result to the formation of mountains? Convergence of two oceanic plates c. convergence of oceanic continental plates b. Convergence of two continental plates d. convergence of continental-oceanic plates​



Hopes it's helps po :)

25. converging oceanic plates, converging continental plates and converging continental and oceanic what is the similarities of this 3?​


Both oceanic crust and continental crust are less dense than the mantle, but oceanic crust is denser than continental crust. This is partly why the continents are at a higher elevation than the ocean floor. Oceanic and Continental crusts are alike because they both shift and move and grow.

26. similarities of oceanic to continental convergent and oceanic to oceanic convergent ​


Oceanic Convergent Boundaries. When two oceanic plates collide, the older denser plate subducts. The results of this tectonic collision are similar to those involving oceanic and continental plates. A deep trench is formed on the seafloor.

27. What type of convergent plate boundary where there is no subduction and plates formed mountains? A.continental continental convergence B.continental oceanic convergence C.oceanic oceanic convergence



Hope it helps ! :) :D

28. Which of the following does not belong to the types of convergent plate boundary?A Oceanic-Continental convergenceB. Oceanic-Oceanic convergenceC. Continental- Continental convergenceD. Continental- Constructive convergence​


D. Continental-Constructive convergence

29. Explain the consequences of converging in oceanic-oceanic convergence, continental-continental convergence, and oceanic-continental convergence?​


Effects of a convergent boundary between an oceanic and continental plate include: a zone of earthquake activity that is shallow along the continent margin but deepens beneath the continent; sometimes an ocean trench immediately off shore of the continent; a line of volcanic eruptions.


sana makatulong

30. convergent plate boundaryat convergent boundary the crust is what ​


At convergent plate boundaries, oceanic crust is often forced down into the mantle where it begins to melt. Magma rises into and through the other plate, solidifying into granite, the rock that makes up the continents. Thus, at convergent boundaries, continental crust is created and oceanic crust is destroyed.

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